When you are about to enter a professional world, you must focus on organizing all of your assets. Make sure that you have a good online reputation and you have all the basic things you require to land a perfect job. Most of the fresh graduates face a lot of problems when getting their first job. If you are entering a professional world without cleaning and improving your online reputation, then you are making a mistake. Here, we are creating an online reputation checklist that you should focus on to improve your job opportunities.
Search yourself
The first thing that you will have to do is to search for yourself. When you are doing research with your name, you will have to scan all the results. Make sure that you are using the right name as a keyword. If you have an online presence with a nickname, then you should consider changing it as well. It does not portray a professional image to potential employers. When you are doing research with your name, you will be able to find multiple results. Here are a few possibilities regarding the search results.
Low content or no content
If you have very little content or no content published about you, then it is time for you to start creating content. You will have to find a way to improve your online reputation. If you have low content, then you can easily improve your online reputation.
Negative content
If you have negative content published about you, then you will have to work hard to get rid of it. Moreover, it is necessary for you to get rid of the negative content or push it towards the 3rd or 4th page of the search engine. For this, you will have to launch a proper reputation management campaign. You can get in touch with us to get a free consultation.
Create your personal website
Once you have accessed your search results, you will have to focus on improving your online reputation. The first thing that you will have to do is to create a personal website. Now think about the domain name you want to purchase. Again, purchasing a domain with your nickname will be a huge mistake. Make sure that you are purchasing a domain name with the name that you want to appear everywhere. You should consider using the original name that you have been using everywhere. Create a personal website and keep updating it on a regular basis with the help of genuine content.
Focus on creating professional social networking profiles
Social network profiles will play a huge role in determining your online reputation. If you don’t have professional social networking profiles, then it is time for you to build them. Your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google profiles should be professional. If a potential employer is checking your social media profiles, then there should not be any indecent content published about you.
Keep optimizing your profiles
After creating your social networking profiles, you will have to focus on updating them regularly and optimizing them properly. You can fill up all the information in a professional way. You can then easily fill up your profiles with content that is highly professional. If you want to keep your previously created profiles, then you should clean them up nicely. Consider all these things in your online reputation checklist to improve things for yourself.